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15 What criest thou on thy breaking? thy sorrow is uncurable; for the multitude of thy wickedness, and for thine hard sins, I have done these things to thee. (Why criest thou over thy breaking? thy sorrow is incurable; I have done these things to thee, for the multitude of thy wickedness, and because of thy many sins.)

16 Therefore all that eat thee, shall be devoured, and all thine enemies shall be led into captivity; and they that destroy thee, shall be destroyed, and I shall give all thy robbers into raven. (But now, all who eat thee, shall be devoured, and all thy enemies shall be led into captivity; and they who destroy thee, shall be destroyed, and I shall make all thy robbers to be robbed.)

17 For I shall heal perfectly thy wound, and I shall make thee whole of thy wounds, saith the Lord; for thou, Zion, they called thee Cast-out; this is it that had no seeker. (For I shall perfectly heal thy wounds, yea, I shall make thee whole from thy wounds, saith the Lord; for they called thee Outcast, O Zion, and thou had no seeker after thee/and thou had no companion with thee.)

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